To the shelter workers at Alternative pour Elles
Your compassionate gaze, your comforting arms, your active listening… Wow!
I felt that I was being understood at all times. When I was conflicted, I valued your honest opinion that helped me look at the situation from a different angle and make decisions.
I felt I could trust you and be comfortable talking about what I was going through. I knew you wouldn’t judge me; you might offer a different opinion or vision, but it was a springboard to help me move forward.
Your sincerity is clear, and it put me at ease. Your way of gently asserting a point without offending was a great help to me.
The counsellors who worked with the children had a capacity for love and patience I had never witnessed before. We knew we could entrust our children to them so we could focus on other things. And that service became even more essential when we had tasks and errands to deal with.
Thank you to the youth worker who, with my specific requests and of her own initiative, was able to address my children’s needs. What a comfort to know that I will be able to continue on an outpatient basis because my boys (even the teenager) were charmed and really trusted you. The impact you had on my children is amazing. Though it cannot be measured just yet, I know that their feeling of being safe, loved and appreciated for who they are has given them the confidence to trust others again.
The themed group meetings always helped me take a stride forward. Listening to the journeys of other women made me realize that I could do it, too.
Thank you for accepting that your reward is the light in our eyes and our will to keep going, more than the money that goes into your bank account... I feel that, in spite of the circumstances that brought me to this house, the ordeals I went through to get here, life has given me the greatest gift of all: to be sheltered at Alternative pour Elles. And I know that my children have benefited on many levels as well. For the past six months, things have finally gone well in my life.
We are ready now, confident that we can live our lives differently. Having felt nurtured, understood, supported around the clock every day of the week by your wonderful team was an enlightening experience.
From the bottom of my heart, I and my children thank you.
Shelter From the Storm
For me, the shelter was a refuge, an oasis without the storm. You helped me regain my footing, encouraged and understood me, pushed me to react, restored my self-esteem and most of all, gave me the will to keep going.
You were the light at the end of the tunnel. Just saying “thank you” is not enough, but there aren’t enough words to describe what I feel. I love you all for everything you have taught me.
You made me believe I am good and important and for that, I can never thank you enough.
Keep up the wonderful work because you are the only ones who can restore a love for life to those who have lost it. From the bottom of my heart, I love you all!
Ginette xxx
I don’t regret my decision
I was unsure about coming here but I’m happy I did. Being here has given me a chance to think about what I want, my expectations, my dreams, my hopes, self-respect and most of all, finding the person I used to be.
Each of you has been important to me in different ways. You helped me by giving me shelter. And thank you for listening. Sometimes, just a smile was a great comfort. I also made good friends here. I was very fortunate to find this place.
Many deepest thanks to all of you. You are forever in my heart!
Christiane xxx
To all of you brave and beautiful women!
You wind up here, not knowing what the future holds, but making the choice for you and your children. You inspired me and gave me so much hope. In this house I found a lot of love and self-awareness. I came to understand that we were strong, able to cross raging rivers, resilient and despite everything, able to listen to and support others.
Making the most of your stay here is not always easy, what with the shrieks of children, the problems, and the differences between mother figures, but this is where you can rebuild a future beyond your dreams.
Charlie Chaplin once said, “Even when they wander into chaos, planets are born stars!” and I’ve seen the light in each woman who passed through here, one day at a time, one spark at a time.
There are times when everything feels overwhelming. The road is long but when you must find your way, you realize that the brightest star is you and that you need to listen to that little voice, the voice of instinct.
There are times when you have to give up some comfort, times when you need to give up some dreams and ideals, when you need to stop believing in fairy tales and write your own, new story.
I have faith in you. You will gather the tools you need here. You have already taken the biggest step.
One day at a time, one spark at a time.
Shine on, beautiful women!
With all the love in the world,
Mélissa, shelter counsellor for 5 years in this house. xoxo